Welcome to Pandora's Box

You're cordially invited to take a peek into Pandora's Box.

The intent of this blog is to inspire critical, logical, and free thinkers to join in on the discourse which will address topics such as; Agriculture, Agribusiness, Tourism, Human and Animal Rights, Cultural Diversity, Organic Cooking, Wining and Dining, World Religions, Philosophy, or anything else that might just "pop" out of Pandora's Box!

I would love for you to join me in the never-ending journey to enlightment, love, and the pursuit of purpose.

Peace Out,
Carla Jean

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Countdown to Certaldo

As I spotted the calender today, the realization hit me that less than a month from today, my husband and I will awake in a 19th century Tuscan villa. The wisteria-laden, old soul firmly stands upon 340 acres of olive groves and vineyards. Oh Italy, my heart longs after thee...

As with many of my self-imposed endeavors, I have failed the regimental task of the well-intended daily post. I confess that I have not delved into Pandora's Box for many a day. The road was paved w/ good intentions, yadayadayada.

First excuse: Much has happened that thwarted my desire to write, mainly the second most common type of major surgery known to women, the dreaded hysterectomy. That in a nutshell should suffice. Nuff said about that for now. For today, I'd rather focus on "la bella vita" (the good life).

Back to my inspiration: Italy

The birthplace of my maternal-grandfather(Donato Rocco Pompeo)'s people. Affectionately known as Papa, my love for all things Italian no doubt rooted from his loins. My temper, passion, love for Chianti & Cabernet, and anything w/ olives, sun-dried tomatoes, roasted red bell peppers, and artichokes. Yep, these are a few of my favorite things.

I am discovering that my Italian taste buds lend well to many delizioso vegetarian recipes that I've recently found on my quest for organic, vegetarian cooking.

Certaldo, Italy. Destination Organic Tuscany Cooking School. 4 Cooking classes in all. No doubt, when and if I find the time to blog while there, the details of the meals, complete with vibrant-colored pics will be posted.

So as I sit at my desk, with my head tipped back, I close my eyes and fantasize about indulging in the fruit of Tuscan vines. Back to reality. I'm actually eating a Ziploc bag full of tri-colored grapes whose potential to ferment into a fine wine is alas, no more.

Addio ~

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