Welcome to Pandora's Box

You're cordially invited to take a peek into Pandora's Box.

The intent of this blog is to inspire critical, logical, and free thinkers to join in on the discourse which will address topics such as; Agriculture, Agribusiness, Tourism, Human and Animal Rights, Cultural Diversity, Organic Cooking, Wining and Dining, World Religions, Philosophy, or anything else that might just "pop" out of Pandora's Box!

I would love for you to join me in the never-ending journey to enlightment, love, and the pursuit of purpose.

Peace Out,
Carla Jean

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Food for Thought

Food is constantly on my brain as of late. Not because I am hungry all the time, rather it appears that the study of food is leading me further on my quest towards self-enlightenment. As one who has just taken her head out of the genetically-modified dirt, I want to know my food on a more personal level. I keep hearing myself say, "I'm not going to eat or buy anything I don't know where it came from". The old adage, "You are what you eat" is apropo, to say the least.

Time is on my side now and I have the opportunity to spend a great deal of it harvesting a daily bushel of "food for thought". Since the completion of my first degree (Arts in Hospitality, Travel & Tourism), I have a choice. I can allow my brain to turn to mush or I can "feed" it with credible information gleaned from sources of my own choosing. Granted, most of the information comes from the almighty Google search engine, but one thing I learned in school was how to determine a credible source. Thank you University of Phoenix.

Yesterday, a dear friend shared a link to Boggy Creek Farm in East Austin, Texas. The farm is a USDA-Certified-Organic Urban Market Farm owned by Larry Butler & Carol Ann Sayle. I have spent the majority of the morning reading Carol Ann's whimsical and entertaining blogs concerning her beloved chickens and life in the Hen House. Carol Ann spins tales about Rooster, Rusty Roo's escapades and hens she has raised from chicks. Step aside Beatrix Potter, Carol Ann has thoughtfully named her chick-a-dees, "The Lucilles" (Golden-laced Wyandottes), "Toesy", the hen that lost 2 toes as a pullet, "The Pattys" (Silver-laced Wyandottes), and other Potterish sound-alikes.

What I find most endearing is Carol Ann's tributes to her faithful egg-laying hens. Respectfully, Mrs. Elvira Bentley, who was commonly referred to as Mrs. Bentley and Aunt Penny Barrock (Spokes Hen for the Farm, Head Hen of the Hen House, Feathered Friend of the Farm), and Rooster Buffy.

I do believe that Boggy Farm will be my next Saturday morning market journey to support the local farming community. I'm all about From-Farm-To-Table, and having your veggies picked that morning doesn't get any more FFTT than that!

Albert Einstein said, "Information is not knowledge". True. That is why I will endeavor to learn, process and put the information I retrieve into action. My course of action begun when I made the choice to become healthier followed by the conscious decision to buy locally and organically whenever possible. Although the journey is still in it's infantile stages, I do believe that my steps are headed in the right direction.

Knowledge is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe).

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